Welcome to my Projects section

This was a project from my second semester of the college where I just casually made this Website.
Actually it was just a thing which we all students from our batch had to do and also this was compulsory. This was made in just 2 days so obviously it's not a working one and I never tried to modify it yet.
So, if you will go to this website it will just do the functions at the time of surfing but nothing will happen in reality.

Home page Dog Shop Cat Shop Fish Shop After Clicking Medication button Dog Medication Cat Medication Fish Medication After Clicking Home button Meeting Requirement page Cart section Delivery address Payment About us page Contact us page Feedback Page Help Section My account Sign up page Login Page After Clicking Support button

The order of the images will vary from the actual website. So don't make a fuss about this.
Also, you can go to this website from here

If you wanna check my resume, then you can have it from the download button below.